Health & Education
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By Juliet M. Getty, Ph.D.
Non-GMO. Do you know what it means? And is it better than GMO? It must be, right? Otherwise, it wouldn't be displayed on food-labels as something to brag about. But is it the same as organic? Is organic better than non-GMO? So many questions! Confused?
What does GMO mean?
GMO stands for "genetically modified organism." GMO foods have been genetically engineered to withstand certain conditions or chemicals, in particular, herbicides that can tackle weeds -- one of the most significant problems that farmers face. The development of plants that could survive when sprayed with a weed-killer was a dream come true for farmers desperate to find a solution to this overwhelming problem.
The most dramatic and frightening of all GMOs are those that are "Roundup Ready." These GMO crops can be sprayed with the herbicide, Roundup (Monsanto), dramatically increasing productivity by killing the damaging weeds without harming the plant. Sounds wonderful on the surface, that is, until you dig deeper.
Glyphosate is the concern
The active ingredient in Roundup is glyphosate. The research on this herbicide is extensive, and troubling. Glyphosate was thought to be nearly non-toxic, however researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology determined that glyphosate is a major contributor to health issues including the obesity epidemic in the US. The brain can also be affected, increasing the incidence of autism, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and depression.[i]
Glyphosate takes the place of glycine in body proteins. Glyphosate is a synthetic amino acid similar to glycine. Acting as a glycine analogue, it may be substituted for glycine in proteins throughout the body, linking it to an extensive list of diseases including gluten intolerance and celiac disease, kidney disease, inflammatory bowel disease, reproductive issues, diabetes, respiratory disorders, adrenal insufficiency, hypothyroidism, osteoporosis, chronic inflammation, and cancer.[ii]
Glyphosate alters the uptake of minerals. When a plant is sprayed with glyphosate, it binds metals within the plant's tissues, impairing the micronutrient content of the plant. The leaf concentration of minerals including iron, manganese, copper, zinc, magnesium, and cobalt have been shown to decrease in plants sprayed with glyphosate.[iii] There is discussion that glyphosate can chelate minerals inside the body, reducing their bioavailability for biochemical functions, creating disease states in humans and animals.[iv]
The extensive use of glyphosate on our crops is leading to herbicidal resistance. To counteract this, more is being used,[v] and different chemicals are added to the mix. And look for new GMOS to be developed by agrochemical companies.[vi] A disturbing trend indeed.
This is a vastly complex subject. I am only beginning to scratch the surface. It is also controversial which makes it difficult to differentiate between truth and propaganda. Consequently, I mostly rely on peer-reviewed research studies to offer the best information available.
What about your horses?
I know you're thinking that this information applies to you and your family. But let's focus on the foods that your horses consume. Since there are GMO versions of soybeans, corn, alfalfa, canola, cottonseed (used for oil) and sugar beets, as well as GMO wheat in development, there is no doubt that your horse is affected. Yet, there is little research that specifically looks at glyphosate's impact on horse's health. There was a recent study using dairy cows in Denmark,[vii] where it was shown that glyphosate intake significantly decreased their serum levels of cobalt and manganese. Additionally, they showed elevated creatine kinase (CK) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) enzyme levels. CK is indicative of tying up (rhabdomyolysis) and possible kidney failure. Increased ALP indicates potential liver damage and bile duct blockages.
In 2006, over 1000 racehorses, between two and three years of age, were examined for health problems.[viii] More than half of them were found to suffer from inflammatory airway disease, joint problems, and fractures. It has been argued that high performance demands or the overuse of the drug Lasix may contribute to these conditions, but there is mounting evidence that glyphosate exposure may be a significant cause of their deteriorating health.[ix]
Most soybeans in the US are genetically modified to be Roundup ready. It has been determined that GMO soybeans have substantial amounts of herbicide residues.[x] Soy is a common ingredient in most commercial horse feeds, used as soybean meal, along with its oil (often denoted as vegetable oil) and hulls.
Beet pulp is a byproduct of the sugar beet industry. I have often recommended it as an excellent carrier feed when adding supplements to the horse's diet. However, most beet pulp comes from GMO sugar beets and may very well be a concern.
Does that mean that non-GMO products are safe?
Not necessarily! The non-GMO label is not a measure of safety in and of itself. True, GMO crops are more likely to be sprayed with Roundup -- that is the very purpose of the genetic modification. It is a good start, but not a guarantee since non-GMO crops, unfortunately, can also be sprayed with Roundup.
Glyphosate is sprayed as a pre-harvest desiccant.[xi] This process, known as desiccation, involves spraying Roundup on the crops a few days before harvesting. It kills the foliage and accelerated the drying of the grain. Using glyphosate on wheat, barley, or oats, for example, two weeks before harvest, allows for increased product uniformity and yield, and improved harvesting efficiency, especially in humid environments.[xii]
Sugar cane, used for your table sugar as well as molasses, is often sprayed with Roundup. But the most alarming crop is your horse's forage. Your horse's hay may be the cause of unexplained health issues. According to federal regulations, animal feeds, grass hays, and alfalfa hay are permitted the highest levels of glyphosate that any other food group.[xiii]
Organic ensures no glyphosate
According to the USDA,[xiv] organic crops must start with organic seeds and be grown without the use of synthetic chemicals, irradiation, sewage sludge, or genetic engineering. That means that to be certified as organic, it must also be non-GMO! And since non-GMOs do not necessarily protect you against glyphosate contamination, you are much better off seeking organic products.
Nearly 80 USDA certifying agencies can authorize farms and businesses as meeting USDA organic regulations.[xv] One such agency, the California Certified Organic Farmers, allows products to be labeled, Organic is non-GMO and more, when they meet certification guidelines.[xvi]
It is far more expensive to be organic than non-GMO, since "non-GMO" is a subset of organic. Companies who are proud to offer organic products are educating their consumers by using this type of labeling.
There is good news
Many small farms simply cannot afford to use Roundup. Or they may choose to grow their crops organically without undergoing the expensive organic certification process. Such companies are happy to share with you that their crops are "glyphosate-free."When in doubt, I recommend contacting the individual company, farmer, or hay grower/broker to see if they have tested their products for glyphosate. Testing it on your own is expensive, but as a last resort, this may be worth the cost.
Bottom line
There is a large body of research on the negative impact glyphosate has on overall well-being. If your horse has health problems that cannot seem to be resolved, his glyphosate intake may be the culprit. Don't be misled into thinking that if a company brags about being non-GMO, it is glyphosate-free. However, if a product is certified as organic, it means that it is non-GMO, along with being glyphosate-free. Many researchers have made a fervent plea to governments throughout the world to introduce new legislation that would restrict its usage.[xvii]
This article originally appeared on Getty Equine Nutrition and is published here with permission.
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[i] Samsel, A., and Seneff, S., 2013. Glyphosate's suppression of cytochrome P450 enzymes and amino acid biosynthesis by the gut microbiome: Pathway to modern diseases. Entropy, 15, 1416-1463.
[ii] Samsel, A., Seneff, S., 2013. Glyphosate, pathways to modern disease II: Celiac sprue and gluten intolerance. Interdisciplinary Toxicology, 6(4), 159-184. And Samsel, A., Senoff, S., 2016. Glyphosate pathways to modern diseases V: Amino acid analogue of glycine in diverse proteins. Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry, 16, 9-46.
[iii] Eker, S., Ozturk, L., Yazici, A., Erenoglu, B, Romheld, V., and Cakmak, I., 2006. Foliar-applied glyphosate substantially reduced uptake and transport of iron and manganese in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) plants. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54(26), 10019-10025.
[iv] Hoy, J., Swanson, N., and Seneff, S.,2015. The high cost of pesticides: Human and animal diseases. Poultry, Fisheries, & Wildlife Sciences, 3.
[v] Waltz, E., 2010. Glyphosate resistance threatens Roundup hegemony. Natural Biotechnology, 28, 537-538.
[vi] Culpepper, A.S., York, A.C., Batts, R.B., and Jennings, K.M., 2000. Weed management in glufosinate- and glyphosate-resistant soybean (glycine max). Weed Technology 14(1), 77-88.
[vii] Kruger, M., Schrodl, W, Neuhaus, J., and Shehata, A.A., 2013. Field investigations of glyphosate in urine of Danish dairy cows. Journal of Environmental and Analytical Technology, 3(5) 100-186.
[viii] Wilsher S, Allen W, and Wood J., 2006. Factors associated with failure of thoroughbred horses to train and race. Equine Veterinary Journal, 38, 113-118.
[ix] Samsel, A., and Seneff, S., 2017. Glyphosate pathways to modern diseases VI: Prions, amyloidoses and autoimmune neurological diseases.
[x] Video on
[xi] Orson, J.H., and Davies, D.K.H., 2007. Pre-harvest glyphosate for weed control and as a harvest aid in cereals. Research Review, No. 65. HGCA.
[xii] Roseboro, K., 2016. Why is glyphosate sprayed on crops right before harvest? EcoWatch.
[xv] Organic certifying agencies. US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
[xvi] Organic is non-GMO and more. California Certified Organic Farmers.
[xvii] Samsel, A., Seneff, S., 2013. Glyphosate, pathways to modern disease II: Celiac sprue and gluten intolerance. Interdisciplinary Toxicology, 6(4), 159-184

By Juliet M. Getty, Ph.D.
Beet pulp is the pulp of the sugar beet plant, after the sugar has been removed. So the remaining pulp has virtually no sugar. If molasses is added to improve taste, it is low — less than 3% -- that’s approximately ½ cup of sugar in 10 lbs of beet pulp. And you likely wouldn’t feed anywhere near that amount — it takes 2 quarts of beet pulp to equal 1 lb, so 10 lbs would be 20 quarts!
Beet pulp contains 15% fiber, a little less than the 18% fiber typically required to be considered a forage. But it is still a good source of fiber because this 15% is mostly digestible fiber, meaning it is easily digested by the bacterial flora in your horse’s hindgut. And better yet, it doesn’t get digested in the foregut, so blood glucose levels are not affected. So it has a low glycemic index and minimal insulin response, making it a wonderful feed for any horse that needs to reduce starch and sugar intake. And from a digestible energy (calories) perspective, beet pulp is right up there with the big cereal grains. It supplies 1.3 Mcal/lb compared to oats, with 1.5 Mcal/lb.
It comes in two forms — pellets and shreds. Pellets must be soaked to prevent choke. The shredded form can be fed dry, but soaking will ease your mind since it is very dry and some horses labor over chewing it. Soaking time depends on the water temperature. If you have hot water in your barn, the beet pulp shreds will soak this up almost immediately; pellets will require approximately 30 minutes. Cold water will take longer to soak up. But do not soak beet pulp overnight; bacteria and mold will accumulate.
Beet pulp is a good source of calcium, though not as high as alfalfa. Don’t worry about feeding too much calcium when offering beet pulp because much of the calcium is bound to oxalates, making it less absorbed. For the same reason, you cannot rely on beet pulp calcium to offset a high phosphorus intake (from bran, for example).
Finally, beet pulp makes an excellent carrier for supplements or medications. If your horse is on hay or pasture, and you want to add a vitamin/mineral supplement, you need to add it to something. The supplement will mix in well with soaked beet pulp, and you won’t find it sifting to the bottom of the feed bucket. One more thing — be sure to add your supplement once you’re ready to feed; don’t soak it since prolonged water contact will destroy most vitamins.
After all these good aspects, there is one thing that you need to be aware of... the vast majority of beets grown in the US are genetically modified to withstand being sprayed with Roundup (Monsanto). This herbicide adds glyphosate to your horse's body and may have significant health consequences.* To avoid this, choose a non-GMO source of beet pulp since Roundup is not generally sprayed on this type of crop. Consider Speedi-Beet by Emerald Valley Equine.
This article originally appeared on Getty Equine Nutrition and is published here with permission.
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by Kristin Pitzer
The birth of a long-awaited foal is a special time for any breeder, but it can also be an occasion fraught with anxiety. Even if you do everything right — feed your mare correctly, keep her in good shape, vaccinate her on schedule — and are present during the birth, unexpected things can still happen.
In some cases, a foal may seem normal when it’s born, but then fail to meet milestones such as standing, nursing and following the mare around. This is often the case in foals with neonatal maladjustment syndrome (NMS), also known as “dummy foal syndrome,” hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy or perinatal asphyxia. Quarter Horse News spoke with Dr. Rudy Madrigal at Equine Sports Medicine and Surgery in Weatherford, Texas, to get more information on what causes dummy foals and how to proceed if you think your foal might be affected.
Elevated Levels of Neurosteroids May Cause NMS
NMS was originally believed to be caused by low oxygen levels during birth, resulting in damage to the foal’s central nervous system. New evidence suggests that, instead, it may result from the failure of placental hormones, or neurosteroids, to decrease after birth, keeping the foal in a sedated state. Signs of NMS include the foal’s inability to find and suckle on the udder, as well as a lack of interest in following the mare after standing. Foals can develop symptoms within minutes after birth, or it may take up to 48 hours to see anything abnormal.
“Foals show a variety of neurologic signs — decreased affinity for the mare, not nursing, aimlessly wandering, weak to absent suckle reflex, depressed, respiratory changes and seizures,” Madrigal said. “It is seen in approximately 1 to 2% of births, with no breed or discipline predilection.”
Foals that are improperly positioned before birth and require assistance to pass through the birth canal; foals that experience placental separation, known as red bag deliveries, or placentitis, which is infection of the placenta; c-section deliveries; fescue toxicity; and other conditions may all predispose a foal to NMS.
Supportive Care Is Essential to Recovery
Once signs develop and an NMS diagnosis is confirmed, foals must be treated, or else they can develop secondary issues. The most common of these is sepsis, which can lead to death.
“Treatment in these foals is largely supportive, with IV fluids, oxygen supplementation with respiratory support, IV antibiotics, nutritional support, antioxidant, anti-seizure medications and immunity support,” Madrigal said.
Treatment is grueling and can be costly. Foals may need to be tube-fed, and those experiencing seizures might need to be placed in a padded environment to protect them from injury. Some foals can recover in a couple of days, but others may need supportive care for more than a week. All that work can pay off, though — the average survival rate is 85%, and most of those foals can go on to live normal lives and even perform. Those that do not have an infection or limb paralysis have a better outlook.
The Madigan Squeeze Technique Can Be Life-Saving for Some Foals
Depending on the foal, a technique called the Madigan Squeeze Technique could be useful in correcting NMS. Named after its developer, Dr. John Madigan, the technique was developed to create pressure that mimics traveling through the birth canal. Since rapid delivery during birth is suspected to be a cause of NMS, and dummy foals behave as though they are asleep, it is believed that applying pressure to the foal signals its transition from sleeping in the womb to wakefulness.
According to the UC Davis Center for Equine Health, the Madigan Squeeze Technique works by applying pressure to the ribs with ropes looped around the ribcage for 20 minutes, the normal time it takes to travel through the birth canal. Full instructions can be found here; however, this procedure should only be performed by a veterinarian or under their direct supervision. Madrigal cautioned that not every foal is a candidate for the procedure.
“Madigan Squeeze Technique is only shown to work on foals with elevated levels of neurosteroids,” Madrigal said. “This should be used with caution, as other causes can mimic dummy foal, and this can lead to late referral and intervention.”
Don’t Mistake Other Conditions for NMS
The symptoms seen in dummy foals can also be indicative of other conditions, so it’s always best to have your veterinarian involved if you suspect NMS. Other causes of decreased nursing and lethargy include sepsis, aspiration pneumonia, ruptured bladder, fractured ribs and true hypoxic state, a condition where the body’s tissues are receiving an insufficient supply of oxygen and can’t maintain normal physiological function.
The earlier your veterinarian can intervene in these issues, the better the prognosis for your foal, Madrigal said. Therefore, it’s important to not jump to an NMS diagnosis without ruling other problems out.
Research on Dummy Foals Is Helping Human Medicine
NMS is linked to autism in humans — the behavioral abnormalities seen in foals, such as detachment, are similar to symptoms children with autism express. Researchers in veterinary and human medicine are working together to investigate whether increased levels of neurosteroids could contribute to both disorders.
This article originally appeared on American Quarter Horse News and is published here with permission.
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By Kentucky Equine Research Staff
In combination with exercise, nutrition is an essential component of managing horses with myopathies. The optimal feeding program for an individual horse is tailored to the diagnosis of a specific underlying myopathy.
The key points of this article include:
- Horses with exertional rhabdomyolysis caused by types 1 and 2 polysaccharide storage myopathy (PSSM1 and PSSM2-ER) benefit from low nonstructural carbohydrate (NSC) diets and supplementary fat as a metabolizable form of energy.
- Horses with recurrent exertional rhabdomyolysis can be managed by lowering NSC, but not to the extreme of PSSM, and then replacing needed calories with fat.
- Arabian horses with myofibrillar myopathy (MFM-ER) can be managed with moderate NSC, supplementary fat, amino acids, and antioxidants N-acetylcysteine and coenzyme Q10.
- Warmblood horses with MFM benefit from a similar diet to MFM-ER horses but with less additional fat.
Read more: The Role of Nutrition in Managing Muscle Disorders

By Sarah Evers Conrad
When riders are asked why they ride, it often comes down to one prevailing answer—passion for the horse. And it also explains why so many riders become riding instructors. It’s important for riding instructors to have that passion for horses and teaching. Riding lessons are often the stepping stone into the horse industry for many participants, which makes horseback riding instructors the lifeblood behind a thriving equine industry. Therefore, it’s crucial for instructors to be able to have successful careers so that there is growth and sustainability within the horse industry as a whole.
Three of CHA’s experts, all who have had successful careers as riding instructors and who have given back to the industry as CHA board members and volunteers, share some of the secrets behind their success.
Various Avenues to Success
CHA Master Instructor and Clinician Tara Gamble of British Columbia, Canada, went out on her own with Tara Gamble Horsemanship in 2009 after working at a variety of facilities. Gamble got her start teaching at age 18 at Birch Bay Ranch in Alberta after 10 years of being a camper. She says she wanted to give back to the ranch that had been such a big part of her life. Gamble was introduced to CHA early in her career because the ranch required CHA certification.
Gamble’s excitement for running the games station at Birch Bay Ranch led her to to one of the most important decisions of her life. “It was at this moment I realized this was my passion, and I was going to become a horsemanship instructor,” she says.
Not only has she been an instructor at a variety of facilities, the past 27 years have seen Gamble serve as CHA President, as Vice President of the Miss Rodeo Canada Board of Directors and a pageant coordinator, as President of the Alberta Equestrian Federation (AEF), and as an American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) board member. She also became an AQHA Professional Horseman. CHA has recognized Gamble’s dedication by naming her the 2013 CHA Volunteer of the Year and the 2006 CHA Clinic Instructor of the Year.
Peggy Adams of Greensboro, GA, retired a few years ago from teaching on her farm, PLA HorsePlay. Adams is the current CHA Past President, a CHA Master Instructor, Clinic Staff, and a Certified Overnight Trail Guide. She spent almost 30 years with the Girl Scouts outside of the Atlanta area in a variety of managerial positions, including as the supervisor of the year-round outdoor programs for youth and adults. Because one of the most popular activities for the Girl Scouts was horseback riding, Adams was charged with designing and developing the riding lesson program at three equine facilities.
“Having been a horse enthusiast my entire life, it became my mission to help make sure that campers had an opportunity to be introduced to horses,” says Adams. “Many of our young riders wouldn’t have ever had the chance to ride if not for our programs. It was a wonderful way to take my passion for horses and share it with others.”
Due to her lifetime achievements and her dedication to CHA since 1996, Adams was named the 2016 CHA Distinguished Service Award winner.
Anne Brzezicki, CHA’s Vice President of Regional Relations, is most known for her work as the Director of the Equestrian Program at Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) and coach of the MTSU Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA) teams. She also taught at the University of Connecticut and Virginia Tech, worked for AQHA Professional Andy Moorman, and ran her own business in Tennessee, which was focused on amateurs and youth inside and outside the show arena.
Brzezicki’s first horseback riding teaching position was at the Connecticut 4-H Camps, where she worked with 500 riders every summer for seven years. She says her career chose her. “It was there that I discovered my passion for teaching riders to get the best from their horses rather than to simply look good,” she says.
Due to a hiring freeze, she and another student were allowed to coach her university’s equestrian team when she was a student at the University of Connecticut (UConn). Due to that experience, she was hired to teach at UConn before she got out the door. That position led to her other teaching positions and a lifetime of dedication to college students in equestrian programs.
She is a now a CHA Master Instructor and an Assistant Clinic Instructor, and the 2015 CHA Instructor of the Year. For all of her contributions to IHSA, the organization awarded her with the 2003 IHSA Lifetime Achievement Award. She retired from MTSU last year.
Reflecting on Success
Gamble points out is that the diversity within her career has helped her enjoy a variety of experiences and continuously offers up brand new opportunities. While she gained a lot of experience subcontracting at different barns for lessons for 17 years, transitioning to her own facility was a new challenge that required business, management, and public relations skills in addition to her horsemanship knowledge and experience.
“Going the private route allowed me more control over my client’s and their horse’s needs to increase their satisfaction,” says Gamble, adding that great communication skills, people skills, and organizational skills have been important. She encourages instructors to always keep learning and adding to their experience.
Adams recommends that instructors learn to communicate with students as easily as possible. “This requires the ability to break skills down into easily understandable small steps,” she adds. “Being able to teach with a rider’s learning style in mind goes a long way to achieving success.”
Brzezicki advises instructors to teach respect for the horse and to share their enthusiasm with their students. “Pay attention to what works for your students and what doesn’t, and change what doesn’t,” she adds. “Take advantage of every opportunity to teach and to watch and listen to other teachers. And understand that your students will also teach you every day.”
Common Problems
Some of the common problems that instructors experience include: miscommunications with students, burnout, lack of self care, how to keep up with progress within a discipline, and dealing with fads, and barn drama.
“Keeping a positive attitude through adversity is paramount,” says Gamble. “It’s important to keep a direct, clear line open and check in often with your students/clients. Try to be as proactive as possible and think of potential challenges.”
Marketing Tips
Marketing is an important aspect of running any business. Gamble recommends that instructors become involved in the local horse community and network as much as possible. “I recommend remembering that you are always an ambassador, and your actions are a reflection of your reputation,” she says.
Adams reminds instructors to tell others about their CHA certification and to use this credential in their marketing.
Word-of-mouth recommendations are key for riding instructors to market themselves. People will often market a business that they can stand behind. “Students and customers having a good time with their horses, supporting each other and winning, draws others to your program and makes the best advertising,” says Brzezicki.
Additional methods of marketing that have also been beneficial to Gamble, Adams, and Brzezicki are:
- Hosting their own websites;
- Participating on social media platforms;
- Hosting free or low-cost clinics for local 4-H or saddle club kids; and
- Helping state organizations with their novice programs.
The CHA Impact
Adams shares that she used the CHA standards to design the programs and facilities for the Girl Scouts. “These industry standards were very useful in helping others understand why we did things a certain way,” says Adams, who adds that both parents and students appreciated that she had the CHA Certification to back up her experience.
“CHA offered me the tools to develop a riding program focusing on safety and progressive skill development for my students,” says Gamble, who has been certified with CHA for 27 years.
Even though she found CHA late in her career, Brzezicki says CHA’s teachings validated what she had been doing in her career and gave her more confidence to help her students who wanted to become riding instructors. It also broadened her network.
“I have found CHA to be the most inclusive, accepting, creative, and helpful set of horse people all dedicated to the progress of their students and other instructors,” adds Brzezicki.
Gamble encourages instructors to familiarize themselves with all of the information, resources, and opportunities on the CHA website In addition, many CHA regions have their own websites or social media platforms with additional information. One important resource offered by CHA is the ability for instructors to advertise their businesses on the CHA instructor database.
Additional member benefits that Gamble, Adams, and Brzezicki have found valuable include the insurance discounts, this magazine – The Instructor, the ability to participate at regional and international conferences, corporate partner benefits, products on the CHA online store, and educational materials, such as manuals and DVDs.
“Use the CHA student books and materials with your riders,” suggests Adams. “Have students and parents watch some of the video shorts on the CHA YouTube channel to reinforce topics taught during lessons.”
In Summary
Adams emphasizes the importance of continuing education and certification for today’s instructors. “My advice is to keep learning and challenging yourself to become certified as an instructor,” she says. “This will allow you to see how you stack up with other instructors by having a third-party evaluation of your current teaching skills.”
Brzezicki says that CHA certification is a great resume builder, especially since many employers are looking for certification as a sign that someone has been tested and found to be competent. She says it’s important for instructors to challenge themselves to always work toward higher levels of certification.
Adams recommends instructors serve as mentors to less experienced instructors in order to help the horse industry as a whole. Gamble and Brzezicki remind instructors that it takes time for success to happen.
“This is hard work,” says Brzezicki. “Approach each lesson with positive energy, a plan, and a goal. Look at each student with hope. And if you don’t love it, find another job.”
Gamble sums it up with the why behind why she teaches. “The rewards of teaching are much greater than monetary and have enriched my life immensely,” she says.

Veterinarians in Alabama
- Alabama Performance Horse Services. 4149 Fitzpatrick Road, Fitzpatrick AL 36026
- Arab Veterinary Hospital, 1536 N Brindlee Mountain Parkway, Arab, AL, 35016
- Athens Animal Hospital, 1119 US-31 South Athens, AL 35611
- Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine, Auburn, AL 36849
- Coosa Valley Equine Center, 1330 Mineral Springs Road, Pell City, AL 35125
- Easterwood Equine Hospital, 12093 Hwy 25, Calera, AL 35040
- Equine Medical Services, 15828 South Blvd., Silverhill, AL 36576
- First Equine Veterinary Services, 10989 Legacy Lane, Mobile, AL 36608
- Gulf Coast Equine Hospital, 17107 Davis Road, Summerdale, Al 36580
- Lee Veterinary Clinic, 484 Bachelor Road, Atmore, AL 36502
- Mobile Veterinary Service, 1159 CR 205, Eutaw, AL 35462
- Mud Creek Veterinary Services, 29796 US Hwy 72 Hollywood, AL 35752
- Pell City Animal Hospital, 2718 Martin St S, Cropwell, AL 35054
- Snowdoun Veterinary Hospital, 8632 U.S. Highway 331, Montgomery, AL 36105
- Southern Equine Services PC, 2202 Hwy 61, Columbiana, AL 35051
- Tennessee Equine Hospital South, 29122 Capshaw Road, Harvest, AL 35749
- Town & Country Veterinary Hospital, 6350 Hyy 69 South, Tuscaloosa, AL 35405
- Westside Veterinary Hospital, 1834 Cullman Road, P.O. Box 484, Arab, AL 35016
When looking for a horse veterinarian, prioritize their experience with horses, relevant certifications, good horse handling skills, a confident and calm demeanor, access to specialists for complex cases, a clear communication style, and positive recommendations from other horse owners in your area; also consider their availability, practice setup, and pricing structure to ensure they fit your needs.
Key qualities
Equine specific expertise: Ensure the vet has significant experience treating horses, as equine medicine differs from other animal practices.
Relevant certifications: Check if the vet holds certifications from organizations like the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) or has additional specialties like lameness, dentistry, or reproduction.
Good horse handling skills: A skilled vet should be comfortable and confident around horses, handling them calmly during procedures.
Communication skills: Choose a vet who explains diagnoses and treatment plans clearly and answers your questions thoroughly.
Access to specialists: Consider if the vet has a network of specialists they can refer to for complex cases.
Reputation and referrals: Ask other horse owners in your area for recommendations about the vet's competence and reliability.
Other factors to consider
Practice setup: Decide if you prefer a solo practitioner or a larger clinic with multiple vets depending on your needs.
Availability: Check the vet's practice hours and on-call availability for emergencies.
Cost and pricing structure: Inquire about the vet's fees for routine procedures and potential treatments to ensure they fit your budget.
Facility and equipment: Evaluate the vet clinic's facilities, including the availability of necessary diagnostic tools and equipment.
An equine veterinarian is a veterinarian who specializes in the care of horses. They are trained to diagnose and treat a wide range of horse health problems, including:
- Lameness
- Digestive problems
- Respiratory problems
- Reproductive problems
- Infectious diseases
- Neurological disorders
- Surgical conditions
Equine veterinarians also play a role in preventive care for horses, such as vaccinations, deworming, and dental care.
Equine veterinarians are different from small animal veterinarians in a number of ways. First, equine veterinarians must have a strong understanding of horse anatomy and physiology. Horses are large animals, and their anatomy and physiology are different from those of small animals such as cats and dogs.
Second, equine veterinarians must be able to work with horses in a variety of settings, including farms, racetracks, and horse shows. This requires them to be able to handle horses safely and effectively.
Finally, equine veterinarians must be familiar with a wide range of horse breeds and disciplines. This is because different breeds of horses are prone to different health problems, and different disciplines place different demands on horses' bodies.
Here are some specific examples of the tasks that an equine veterinarian may perform:
- Perform physical examinations
- Diagnose and treat diseases and injuries
- Perform surgery
- Vaccinate horses
- Deworm horses
- Provide dental care
- Advise horse owners on nutrition and management
Equine veterinarians play an important role in the health and well-being of horses. They provide a wide range of services to help horses stay healthy and perform at their best.
Here are some of the key differences between equine veterinarians and small animal veterinarians:
- Species: Equine veterinarians specialize in the care of horses, while small animal veterinarians specialize in the care of cats and dogs.
- Anatomy and physiology: Horses are large animals with anatomy and physiology that is different from that of small animals. Equine veterinarians must have a strong understanding of horse anatomy and physiology in order to provide effective care.
- Work environment: Equine veterinarians often work in a variety of settings, such as farms, racetracks, and horse shows. Small animal veterinarians typically work in veterinary clinics or hospitals.
- Breeds and disciplines: Equine veterinarians must be familiar with a wide range of horse breeds and disciplines. Small animal veterinarians typically focus on a smaller range of breeds and disciplines.
Overall, equine veterinarians and small animal veterinarians play important roles in the health and well-being of animals. They are both highly skilled and knowledgeable professionals who are dedicated to providing the best possible care to their patients.
You can find more informative articles in our section on Health & Education. While you're here be sure to check out our Curated Amazon Store.

Veterinarians in Alaska
- Alaska Equine & Small Animal Hospital LLC , P.O. Box 671512, Chugiak, AK 99567
- Arctic Equine & Livestock Veterinary Hospital, 16691 E Outer Springer Loop, Palmer, AK 99645
- Glacier Veterinary Service, 189 East Nelson Ave. #157, Wasilla, Alaska 99654
- Homer Veterinary Clinic, 326 Woodside Avenue, Homer, AK 99603
- North Pole Veterinary Hospital, 2942 Hurst Road, North Pole, AK 99705
- The Mobile Moose, P.O. Box 670747, Chugiak, AK 99567
- Tongass Veterinary Services, 2789 Sherwood Lane, Juneau, AK 99801
When looking for a horse veterinarian, prioritize their experience with horses, relevant certifications, good horse handling skills, a confident and calm demeanor, access to specialists for complex cases, a clear communication style, and positive recommendations from other horse owners in your area; also consider their availability, practice setup, and pricing structure to ensure they fit your needs.
Key qualities
Equine specific expertise: Ensure the vet has significant experience treating horses, as equine medicine differs from other animal practices.
Relevant certifications: Check if the vet holds certifications from organizations like the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) or has additional specialties like lameness, dentistry, or reproduction.
Good horse handling skills: A skilled vet should be comfortable and confident around horses, handling them calmly during procedures.
Communication skills: Choose a vet who explains diagnoses and treatment plans clearly and answers your questions thoroughly.
Access to specialists: Consider if the vet has a network of specialists they can refer to for complex cases.
Reputation and referrals: Ask other horse owners in your area for recommendations about the vet's competence and reliability.
Other factors to consider
Practice setup: Decide if you prefer a solo practitioner or a larger clinic with multiple vets depending on your needs.
Availability: Check the vet's practice hours and on-call availability for emergencies.
Cost and pricing structure: Inquire about the vet's fees for routine procedures and potential treatments to ensure they fit your budget.
Facility and equipment: Evaluate the vet clinic's facilities, including the availability of necessary diagnostic tools and equipment.
An equine veterinarian is a veterinarian who specializes in the care of horses. They are trained to diagnose and treat a wide range of horse health problems, including:
- Lameness
- Digestive problems
- Respiratory problems
- Reproductive problems
- Infectious diseases
- Neurological disorders
- Surgical conditions
Equine veterinarians also play a role in preventive care for horses, such as vaccinations, deworming, and dental care.
Equine veterinarians are different from small animal veterinarians in a number of ways. First, equine veterinarians must have a strong understanding of horse anatomy and physiology. Horses are large animals, and their anatomy and physiology are different from those of small animals such as cats and dogs.
Second, equine veterinarians must be able to work with horses in a variety of settings, including farms, racetracks, and horse shows. This requires them to be able to handle horses safely and effectively.
Finally, equine veterinarians must be familiar with a wide range of horse breeds and disciplines. This is because different breeds of horses are prone to different health problems, and different disciplines place different demands on horses' bodies.
Here are some specific examples of the tasks that an equine veterinarian may perform:
- Perform physical examinations
- Diagnose and treat diseases and injuries
- Perform surgery
- Vaccinate horses
- Deworm horses
- Provide dental care
- Advise horse owners on nutrition and management
Equine veterinarians play an important role in the health and well-being of horses. They provide a wide range of services to help horses stay healthy and perform at their best.
Here are some of the key differences between equine veterinarians and small animal veterinarians:
- Species: Equine veterinarians specialize in the care of horses, while small animal veterinarians specialize in the care of cats and dogs.
- Anatomy and physiology: Horses are large animals with anatomy and physiology that is different from that of small animals. Equine veterinarians must have a strong understanding of horse anatomy and physiology in order to provide effective care.
- Work environment: Equine veterinarians often work in a variety of settings, such as farms, racetracks, and horse shows. Small animal veterinarians typically work in veterinary clinics or hospitals.
- Breeds and disciplines: Equine veterinarians must be familiar with a wide range of horse breeds and disciplines. Small animal veterinarians typically focus on a smaller range of breeds and disciplines.
Overall, equine veterinarians and small animal veterinarians play important roles in the health and well-being of animals. They are both highly skilled and knowledgeable professionals who are dedicated to providing the best possible care to their patients.
You can find more informative articles in our section on Health & Education. While you're here be sure to check out our Curated Amazon Store.

Veterinarians in Arizona
- Adobe Veterinary Center, 8300 E. Tanque Verde Road, Tucson, AZ 85749
- Arizona Equine Medical & Surgical Centre, 1685 S. Gilbert Road, Gilbert, AZ 85296
- Carefree Equine Services, 29834 N. Cave Creek Road, Suite 118-332, Cave Creek, AZ 85331
- Cave Creek Equine Surgical and Diagnostic Imaging Center, 34705 N. 14th St., Phoenix, AZ 85086
- Cedar Ridge Veterinary, 932 S. Main Street, Snowflake, AZ 85937
- Chaparral Veterinary Medical Center, 32100 N. Cave Creek Road, Cave Creek, AZ 85331
- Continental Animal Wellness Center, 4405 E. Huntington Drive, Flagstaff, AZ 86004
- Durango Equine Veterinary Clinic, 20908 W Durango Street, Buckeye, AZ 85326
- East Valley Equine Practitioners P.C., 14469 E. Pecos Road, Gilbert, AZ 85295
- Equine Medicine & Dentistry, 28150 N Alma School Pkwy 103-201, Scottsdale, AZ 85262
- Equine Veterinary LLC, 28150 N Alma School Pkwy., Suite 103-517, Scottsdale, AZ 85262
- Longworth Equine Veterinary Services, 29834 N. Cave Creek Road, #118-192 Cave Creek, AZ 85331
- Pegasus Equine Vet Service, 9121 E. Tanque Verde, #105-261 Tucson, AZ 85749
- Prescott Animal Hospital Equine Center, 2611 Avenger Road, Prescott, AZ 86301
- Reata Equine Veterinary Group LLC, 9100 E. Tanque Verde, Suite 100, Tucson, AZ 85749
- Redrock Equine Dentistry, 7760 E. State Route 69, Suite C5 Box 305, Prescott Valley, AZ 86314
- Rio Colorado Equine Veterinary Service LLC, 1538 E. County 14 1/2 Street, Yuma, AZ 85365
- Scottsdale Equine Center, 30517 N 144th Street, Scottsdale, AZ 85262
- Scottsdale Horse Vet, 28150 N Alma School Pkwy., Suite 103-282, Scottsdale, AZ 85262
- Southern Arizona Equine, P.O. Box 2855, Sierra Vista, AZ 85636
- Southwest Equine Hospital, 6001 E. Bell Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85254
- Wright Veterinary Service, 2444 Kingman Avenue, Kingman, AZ 86401
When looking for a horse veterinarian, prioritize their experience with horses, relevant certifications, good horse handling skills, a confident and calm demeanor, access to specialists for complex cases, a clear communication style, and positive recommendations from other horse owners in your area; also consider their availability, practice setup, and pricing structure to ensure they fit your needs.
Key qualities
Equine specific expertise: Ensure the vet has significant experience treating horses, as equine medicine differs from other animal practices.
Relevant certifications: Check if the vet holds certifications from organizations like the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) or has additional specialties like lameness, dentistry, or reproduction.
Good horse handling skills: A skilled vet should be comfortable and confident around horses, handling them calmly during procedures.
Communication skills: Choose a vet who explains diagnoses and treatment plans clearly and answers your questions thoroughly.
Access to specialists: Consider if the vet has a network of specialists they can refer to for complex cases.
Reputation and referrals: Ask other horse owners in your area for recommendations about the vet's competence and reliability.
Other factors to consider
Practice setup: Decide if you prefer a solo practitioner or a larger clinic with multiple vets depending on your needs.
Availability: Check the vet's practice hours and on-call availability for emergencies.
Cost and pricing structure: Inquire about the vet's fees for routine procedures and potential treatments to ensure they fit your budget.
Facility and equipment: Evaluate the vet clinic's facilities, including the availability of necessary diagnostic tools and equipment.
An equine veterinarian is a veterinarian who specializes in the care of horses. They are trained to diagnose and treat a wide range of horse health problems, including:
- Lameness
- Digestive problems
- Respiratory problems
- Reproductive problems
- Infectious diseases
- Neurological disorders
- Surgical conditions
Equine veterinarians also play a role in preventive care for horses, such as vaccinations, deworming, and dental care.
Equine veterinarians are different from small animal veterinarians in a number of ways. First, equine veterinarians must have a strong understanding of horse anatomy and physiology. Horses are large animals, and their anatomy and physiology are different from those of small animals such as cats and dogs.
Second, equine veterinarians must be able to work with horses in a variety of settings, including farms, racetracks, and horse shows. This requires them to be able to handle horses safely and effectively.
Finally, equine veterinarians must be familiar with a wide range of horse breeds and disciplines. This is because different breeds of horses are prone to different health problems, and different disciplines place different demands on horses' bodies.
Here are some specific examples of the tasks that an equine veterinarian may perform:
- Perform physical examinations
- Diagnose and treat diseases and injuries
- Perform surgery
- Vaccinate horses
- Deworm horses
- Provide dental care
- Advise horse owners on nutrition and management
Equine veterinarians play an important role in the health and well-being of horses. They provide a wide range of services to help horses stay healthy and perform at their best.
Here are some of the key differences between equine veterinarians and small animal veterinarians:
- Species: Equine veterinarians specialize in the care of horses, while small animal veterinarians specialize in the care of cats and dogs.
- Anatomy and physiology: Horses are large animals with anatomy and physiology that is different from that of small animals. Equine veterinarians must have a strong understanding of horse anatomy and physiology in order to provide effective care.
- Work environment: Equine veterinarians often work in a variety of settings, such as farms, racetracks, and horse shows. Small animal veterinarians typically work in veterinary clinics or hospitals.
- Breeds and disciplines: Equine veterinarians must be familiar with a wide range of horse breeds and disciplines. Small animal veterinarians typically focus on a smaller range of breeds and disciplines.
Overall, equine veterinarians and small animal veterinarians play important roles in the health and well-being of animals. They are both highly skilled and knowledgeable professionals who are dedicated to providing the best possible care to their patients.
You can find more informative articles in our section on Health & Education. While you're here be sure to check out our Curated Amazon Store.

Veterinarians in Arkansas
- All Creatures Veterinary Hospital, 4549 Hwy. 62 West, Mountain Home, AR 72653
- Arkansas Veterinary Medical Association, P.O. Box 17687, Little Rock, AR 72222-7687
- Arkansas Veterinary Medical Examining Board, P.O. Box 8505, Little Rock, AR 72215
- Lunsford Veterinary Care Center, 222 Fiori Street, Springdale, AR 72762
- Oak View Animal Clinic, 14391 Dove Road, Pea Ridge, AR 72751
- Pallone Veterinary Hospital, 6039 Highway 36 West, Rose Bud, AR 72137
- Saint Francis Veterinary Clinic, 310 CR 706, Green Forest, AR 72638
- Siloam Springs Veterinary Clinic, 504 W. Tulsa Street, Siloam Springs, AR 72761
- Town and Country Veterinary Clinic, 4461 Pleasant View Road, Russellville, AR 72802
When looking for a horse veterinarian, prioritize their experience with horses, relevant certifications, good horse handling skills, a confident and calm demeanor, access to specialists for complex cases, a clear communication style, and positive recommendations from other horse owners in your area; also consider their availability, practice setup, and pricing structure to ensure they fit your needs.
Key qualities
Equine specific expertise: Ensure the vet has significant experience treating horses, as equine medicine differs from other animal practices.
Relevant certifications: Check if the vet holds certifications from organizations like the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) or has additional specialties like lameness, dentistry, or reproduction.
Good horse handling skills: A skilled vet should be comfortable and confident around horses, handling them calmly during procedures.
Communication skills: Choose a vet who explains diagnoses and treatment plans clearly and answers your questions thoroughly.
Access to specialists: Consider if the vet has a network of specialists they can refer to for complex cases.
Reputation and referrals: Ask other horse owners in your area for recommendations about the vet's competence and reliability.
Other factors to consider
Practice setup: Decide if you prefer a solo practitioner or a larger clinic with multiple vets depending on your needs.
Availability: Check the vet's practice hours and on-call availability for emergencies.
Cost and pricing structure: Inquire about the vet's fees for routine procedures and potential treatments to ensure they fit your budget.
Facility and equipment: Evaluate the vet clinic's facilities, including the availability of necessary diagnostic tools and equipment.
An equine veterinarian is a veterinarian who specializes in the care of horses. They are trained to diagnose and treat a wide range of horse health problems, including:
- Lameness
- Digestive problems
- Respiratory problems
- Reproductive problems
- Infectious diseases
- Neurological disorders
- Surgical conditions
Equine veterinarians also play a role in preventive care for horses, such as vaccinations, deworming, and dental care.
Equine veterinarians are different from small animal veterinarians in a number of ways. First, equine veterinarians must have a strong understanding of horse anatomy and physiology. Horses are large animals, and their anatomy and physiology are different from those of small animals such as cats and dogs.
Second, equine veterinarians must be able to work with horses in a variety of settings, including farms, racetracks, and horse shows. This requires them to be able to handle horses safely and effectively.
Finally, equine veterinarians must be familiar with a wide range of horse breeds and disciplines. This is because different breeds of horses are prone to different health problems, and different disciplines place different demands on horses' bodies.
Here are some specific examples of the tasks that an equine veterinarian may perform:
- Perform physical examinations
- Diagnose and treat diseases and injuries
- Perform surgery
- Vaccinate horses
- Deworm horses
- Provide dental care
- Advise horse owners on nutrition and management
Equine veterinarians play an important role in the health and well-being of horses. They provide a wide range of services to help horses stay healthy and perform at their best.
Here are some of the key differences between equine veterinarians and small animal veterinarians:
- Species: Equine veterinarians specialize in the care of horses, while small animal veterinarians specialize in the care of cats and dogs.
- Anatomy and physiology: Horses are large animals with anatomy and physiology that is different from that of small animals. Equine veterinarians must have a strong understanding of horse anatomy and physiology in order to provide effective care.
- Work environment: Equine veterinarians often work in a variety of settings, such as farms, racetracks, and horse shows. Small animal veterinarians typically work in veterinary clinics or hospitals.
- Breeds and disciplines: Equine veterinarians must be familiar with a wide range of horse breeds and disciplines. Small animal veterinarians typically focus on a smaller range of breeds and disciplines.
Overall, equine veterinarians and small animal veterinarians play important roles in the health and well-being of animals. They are both highly skilled and knowledgeable professionals who are dedicated to providing the best possible care to their patients.
You can find more informative articles in our section on Health & Education. While you're here be sure to check out our Curated Amazon Store.
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