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Dr. Heidi Bockhold, of Options for Animals College of Animal Chiropractic, performs a chiropractic adjustment on a horse.
Dr. Heidi Bockhold, of Options for Animals College of Animal Chiropractic, performs a chiropractic adjustment on a horse.

A horse chiropractor is a veterinarian who specializes in treating a horse's musculoskeletal, neurological, joint, and skeletal disorders. They use controlled force to improve a horse's movement and function, and to reduce pain.

Some signs that a horse may need chiropractic care include:

  • Poor performance
  • Stiffness or lameness
  • Pain in the neck, back, or tail
  • Abnormal posture
  • Discomfort when saddled
  • Difficulty bending to one side

Equine chiropractors use a type of manual therapy called equine chiropractic. This involves applying short, high velocity, low amplitude thrusts to specific regions of the horse's body. The goal is to change the horse's joint structures, muscle function, and neurological reflexes.

To become an equine chiropractor, you must first earn a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M.) or a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) degree. After that, you can attend an advanced education program to become an animal chiropractor.

Horses with heavy workloads or those being shown may need to see an equine chiropractor every three weeks. Horses that are used for pleasure riding or are in less intense training may only need to see a chiropractor every three months.

How do I know if my horse would benefit from chiropractic care?

Horses that may benefit from chiropractic care may present with many signs, the most common of which is pain. Horses with back pain often express this in their posture or in their refusal to work. A horse’s attempts to compensate for the pain by changing its posture and way of going can result in other problems such as joint problems.

The following symptoms in a horse may indicate pain:

  • Reduced performance
  • Abnormal posture
  • Snapping and pinning back its ears when being saddled
  • Insubordination when being ridden
  • Attempting to free itself by throwing its head back or up or by hollowing the back
  • Swishing its tail and pinning back its ears
  • Disobedience when jumping
  • Difficulties with collected or lateral gaits
  • Changes in behavior
  • Frightened or painful facial expression
  • Sensitivity to touch

Alterations of the spine can affect muscle coordination and mobility of the horse, thereby causing decreased performance. The following signs may occur:

  • Unleveled gait rhythm
  • Irregularity of gait which cannot be assigned to a particular leg or gait
  • Stiffness when the horse leaves the stable
  • Stiffness when bending and in its general posture
  • Muscular atrophy
  • Difficulty engaging the hindquarters
  • Shortened stride in one or more legs
  • Overall decreased range of motion in gait
  • Difficulty flexing the poll
  • Lameness
  • Horse pulls against one rein
  • Rider is seated off center due to the horse
  • The back does not swing

Photo credit Dr Dennis Eschbach, CC BY-SA 3.0

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