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SIGN-UP NOW Every Friday we randomly select a registered member of Equine Info Exchange to receive a FREE GIFT.
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Anyone who has signed up on the website is eligible to be selected. We select a new person each week and notify them via email. A free gift of your choosing is shipped to the person at no charge. It's our way of saying "THANK YOU" for being involved in our community!

We have lovely gifts for you to choose from when you are chosen as our weekly winner. Here are some of our favorites.

Vintage Horse Matchbox Cover

Vintage Horse Matchbox Cover

This vintage matchbox has a silver metallic finish. It can be used for its intended purpose or put on display in a cabinet, table or shelf as a conversation piece! Dimensions are 2.75in long X 1.5in wide X 3in tall.

Vintage Horse Brooch

Vintage Horse Brooch

This beautiful and classic horse brooch will add an equestrian touch to any outfit! It's perfect for a coat or blazer and will attract compliments every time you wear it.

Cornell Tote Bag and Dog Collar

Enjoy this tote bag and dog collar courtesy of the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine and Purina! We share Cornell's events on our Calendar of Events and their educational videos on our YouTube channel so check them out!

Horse Dinner Bell

An attractive dinner bell to display on your buffet and call people to the table. Horses everywhere you look!

Horse Spot Button Covers

Horse Spot Button Covers

Liven up your wardrobe with these clever button covers. Have a plain shirt or jacket? Give it an equestrian flair. It's fast and fashionable!

Gold Tone Harness Racing Necklace

Harness Racing Necklace

Perfect for every day or to dress up when you want to go to the races! Unique and eye-catching. Keep it for yourself or give it as the perfect gift for your favorite horse lover.

Hunt Scene Porcelain Trivet

Hunt Scene Porcelain Trivet

This practical hunt scene porcelain trivet is a heat-resistant barrier that allows you to place a hot dish onto your table or countertop to cool without damaging your kitchen or furniture. Surprise! This can also be hung as a piece of art or in a convenient spot when you're ready to use it!
Dimensions: 6in X 6in

Hunt Scene Porcelain Trivet

Snaffle Bit Equestrian Keychain

Snaffle Bit Equestrian Keychain

You'll never forget your keys with this attractive gold tone snaffle bit equestrian keychain! It will make your keys easy to find in your handbag or tote.

The Complete Horse: An Entertaining History of Horses, by Cheryl Kimball

The Complete Horse: An Entertaining History of Horses

In an easy-to-read style, Cheryl Kimball provides a colorful, comprehensive, and entertaining account of horse history; equine history; lore; a breed guide; and the horse’s role in art and pop culture, myth, legend, and folklore. With all this and more, The Complete Horse has something for every horse lover.

The light-hearted yet informative text is complemented by delightful illustrations, including photographs of different breeds. Also depicted are images of horses in pop culture, horses in ads, horse collectibles, and famous equines.


Horse Owners' Essential Tips: Grooming, Care, Tack, Facilities, Riding, Pasture

Horse Owners' Essential Tips: Grooming, Care, Tack, Facilities, Riding, Pasture


A comprehensive illustrated reference to simplifying horse care.

Horse Owners' Essential Tips is chock full of the best proven advice on horse care. Shared among owners and riders for years, these tips and tricks revolve around daily maintenance and the most common problems that arise when caring for a horse. The book packs them all together in an easy to use guide that will quickly earn a prominent place in the stable office.

The tips are organized into seven sections covering all aspects of horse care: Grooming; Care; Equipment; Stabling; Riding; Equestrian, In the Meadow, and Horse Life.

Here are some examples:

  • About half a glass of sunflower oil in each ration will give a beautiful shine to a horse's coat.
  • Hay should be fragrant and green but it also should not be too dry or too wet. To test, vigorously twist tufts of hay between both hands. It should be flexible enough to survive 10 twists before snapping (meaning it's not too dry) but if it still doesn't break after 15 twists, then it's too wet.
  • A basketball net, without the backboard, makes a great hay feed net for a stable -- and it keeps the hay off the ground.
  • To keep a stable water trough clean, install it into a corner of the stable and fix a metal bar about one foot (30 cm) front of it. This will keep the wrong end of the horse away from the water.
  • Some horses eat much too quickly, which can cause deadly choking or bloat. To slow it down, break stones of salt into the ration. This slows the horse down as he has to pick through the food to avoid the salt. Horse Owners' Essential Tips is eminently practical and informative for all new and veteran horse owners and for young and experienced riders alike. An essential selection for all collections.

Landaluce: The Story of Seattle Slew's First Champion (Horses in History)

Landaluce: The Story of Seattle Slew's First Champion (Horses in History)


When Triple Crown winner Seattle Slew retired from racing in 1978 to stand at stud at Spendthrift Farm, no one could be certain he would be a successful sire. But just four years later, his dark bay daughter Landaluce won the Hollywood Lassie Stakes by twenty-one lengths―a margin of victory that remains the largest ever in any race by a two-year-old at Hollywood Park. California horse racing had a new superstar, and Slew was launched on a stud career that would make him one of the most influential sires in North America. Like her father, Landaluce soon became a national celebrity, and was poised to become the next American super-horse. But those dreams ended when the two-year-old died in her stall at Santa Anita four months later, the victim of a swift and mysterious illness. Today, with her "I Love Luce" bumper stickers long gone, the filly has been largely forgotten.

In Landaluce: The Story of Seattle Slew's First Champion, Mary Perdue tells the story of a horse whose short but meteoric career could have changed racing history forever. Sparking comparisons to Ruffian, Landaluce helped elevate California horse racing to the national stage and could have been the first filly to ever win the Triple Crown. In telling this story, Perdue explores the lives and careers of Landaluce's breeders, owners, and trainer, D. Wayne Lukas, as well as her famous sire Seattle Slew―and shows not only how one filly captured the imagination of racing fans across the country, but also set the stage for another filly turned super-horse, Zenyatta, in the decades to come.

Lovely Assateague Island Pony Pin

Assateague Island Horse Pin

Check out this cool vintage Assateague Island pony pin which was found at the Waverly Square Antiques Shop great for wearing every day or that special occasion!

Stuffed Horse Toy from ReRun

Stuffed Horse Toy from ReRun

What a great gift for you or your favorite horse loving child! Here's a stuffed horse courtesy of ReRun. Rerun is an industry leader in the rehoming of Thoroughbreds after their racing or breeding careers have ended. ReRun's mission is to rehabilitate, retrain, and find adoptive homes for Thoroughbred racehorses when their careers on the track are over. ReRun is a 501(c)(3) non profit celebrating 27 years of rehoming Thoroughbreds and we have been serving the horsemen of New York since 2002. Each year they take in and place over 100 horses.

Shoeing the Modern Horse

Shoeing the Modern Horse by Steven Kraus, CJF, and Katie Navarra BUY NOW on AMAZON

All horses have four hooves that are integral to their overall health, their athletic ability, and ultimately, their longevity, whether their “job” is simply grazing in a pasture or competing at the highest levels. But not all horses are the same—the individual needs of each horse require an understanding of responsible, informed hoofcare on the part of the owner, rider, or trainer. This highly illustrated guide by one of the world's leading minds in the area of farriery provides an unparalleled look at advances in shoeing and general hoof maintenance, with the goal of helping owners to comprehend the “whys” of certain choices, recognize variations in shoeing options, and become better consumers of horse shoes and horseshoeing all around.

Steve Kraus, Head of Farrier Services at the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine and instructor at the Cornell Farrier School, is uniquely qualified to provide a varied and thorough exploration of hoof-related topics, including:

  • Equine conformation—how to assess it in relation to soundness and performance, and how farriers use it to guide shoeing choices.
  • To shoe or not to shoe? Using sense and science to analyze which horses are better served with shoes and which may be comfortable and healthy barefoot.
  • Types of horseshoes and traction devices, modification devices, adhesives, materials, and more.
  • Shoe loss—why it happens and how to prevent it.
  • Farrier training—where and how it happens, how to find a good one and what you should expect.
  • Horse handling for shoeing—how to prepare your horse and yourself.
  • The future of farriery with 3D printing.

And so much more.

With plenty of “adventures from the road” and lessons learned during his years of shoeing horses professionally, Kraus provides a guide that is not only massive in value, it's entertaining, to boot. An excellent resource for all serious horse people who wish to keep their horses comfortable and performing their very best while making informed decisions and having intelligent conversations with hoofcare professionals.

"Moneigh" Gift Cards

Win a set of 10 beautiful "Moneigh" gift cards. Learn more at the ReRun website. ReRun rehomes off the track Thoroughbreds (OTTBs) for their next career.

From their website: Moneighs are paintings made by some of the most famous Thoroughbred race horses to help horses. These beautiful paintings are auctioned off to support ReRun Thoroughbred Adoption in the ReRun eBay store. Auctions are held periodically so check back here often for further information!

We have had Moneigh PRINTS done by some of the GREATEST horses of all time!

Fashion Horse Ring

Fun and fashionable! This glittery horse ring can be yours! With an elasticized band, this ring will fit any finger.

Equine Info Exchange



by Vanessa Bee

How to succeed training your horse to accept 50 common scenarios—such as riding over white lines or dark shadows, or riding past farm animals or marshmallow hay bales—illustrated with small, building-block steps and hundreds of photos.

Breyer Horse Crazy Painting Kit

Breyer Horse Crazy Painting Kit

Have a horse crazy kid? Are you a kid at heart? Check out this Breyer Horse Crazy painting kit! See more Breyer horses at their website on our GIFTS page!

"Day At the Races" Coaster Set

Day At the Races Coaster Set

JC Parker Fine Art - Artist Signed Ornament

JC Parker Fine Art - Artist Signed Ornament JC Parker Fine Art - Artist Signed Ornament

You can find more from JC Parker Fine Art in our section on Gifts & Jewelry.



by Cathy Woods
Yoga teacher and horsewoman Cathy Woods helps readers become more aware and conscious riders while gently correcting our imbalances with yoga poses on the mat and in the saddle, resulting in a richer, more rewarding, more joyful horsemanship experience.


BooBuddy - Asset Protection
Boobuddy Fitness Accessory for Women

Boobuddy - Fitness Accessory - A Solution to Help Curvy Women

Launched in the UK now available in the USA! Boobuddy Black Adjustable Breast Support Band Sports Bra Alternative Run. This product is terrific to keep you in place while working out or horseback riding!

Boobuddy is a new wearable band for women who want additional support, comfort, and confidence when horseback riding. It can be worn across the top of the breasts and either over or under a sports bra or in fact any regular bra. Are your assets getting in the way of your sport and lifestyle activities? The Boobuddy has been developed to reduce vertical and lateral movement, prevent injury, pain, ligament damage and sagging. Benefit from a new level of comfort, performance, and confidence thanks to this wonderful fitness accessory!

Buy Now on eBay - click here

FLAIR® Equine Nasal Strips

FLAIR® Equine Nasal Strips are the industry standard for respiratory performance.

The drug-free adhesive Strip supports the nasal passages and allows the horse to breathe easier - reducing resistance, reducing fatigue, protecting from EIPH and aiding in post-exercise recovery. Learn more at:



by Christoph Hess
Internationally respected FEI “I” Judge in both dressage and eventing collects some of his very best riding and training tips along with well-honed insight related to the topics that he finds most often challenge equestrians and their equine partners. Thoughtful, easy-to-apply advice.



by Linda Tellington Jones

A thoughtful recipe for starting the young horse without stress, helping to establish the very best beginning, in hand and under saddle, as well as a collection of the necessary tools for filling in training “holes” and reconfirming lessons that may have been poorly taught or forgotten.

Matt Braun - "Texas Empire" Audio Book on CD


This popular book has over 40 million copies in the print edition - here's your chance to get the audio version! Listen at your leisure to the history of the old west in "America's Authentic Voice of the Western Frontier". Matt Braun TEXAS EMPIRE

Confessions of a Timid Rider by Heather Wallace

Confessions of a Timid Rider - Signed by the Author

Confessions of a Timid Rider by Heather Wallace is a memoir detailing one woman's insights into being an anxiety-ridden but passionate equestrian. After returning to riding as a mother, she is determined to follow her dreams despite the fear she is somehow lacking in talent or ability. An in-depth look into the heart and head of a returning adult equestrian, and mother, this message is not limited only those with horse experience. In fact, Confessions of a Timid Rider is the perfect book to read for anyone whom even for a moment questions their value in their designated profession or life choice. This book will inspire you to pursue your dreams despite the inner voice that says you aren’t good enough. Paperback: 163 pages Publisher: Lulu (June 7, 2018) KINDLE EDITION AVAILABLE


Equine Info Exchange Horse-Lover's Hat

Exclusive Equine Info Exchange Horse-lover's Hat

Show your style with our EIE Hat! You're a lover of all things horse and this hat says it all. It's a great gift idea for that horse person in your life.

Equestrian Handbook of Excuses by Heather Wallace

Equestrian Handbook of Excuses: For Riders That Just Don't Feel Like It Today, by Heather Wallace

As equestrians we are united by our love of horses. But whether you own, lease, or borrow some days you just want to call your trainer and cancel. For those days I’ve compiled a handy list of excuses to tell our trainers, our horses, or ourselves for why today just isn't a good day to ride. Suitable for every level of rider, from lead line to Grand Prix.

Our Keychain

EIE strives to achieve as a source for content and education, as well as a transparent venue to share thoughts, ideas, and solutions. This responsibility also includes horse welfare, rescue and retirement, addressing the needs and concerns of all horse lovers around the world. Take us with you through your day, with this personalized Equine inspired item.

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Our Mission — Serving the professional horse person, amateur owners, occasional enthusiasts and sporting interests alike, the goal is to serve all disciplines – which often act independently yet have common needs and values.

Equine Info Exchange is totally comprehensive, supplying visitors with a world wide view and repository of information for every aspect related to horses. EIE provides the ability to search breeds, riding disciplines, horse sports, health, vacations, art, lifestyles…and so much more.

EIE strives to achieve as a source for content and education, as well as a transparent venue to share thoughts, ideas, and solutions. This responsibility also includes horse welfare, rescue and retirement, addressing the needs and concerns of all horse lovers around the world. We are proud to be a woman-owned business.