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- 3,450,000+ monthly reach on Social Media
- 58,000+ Facebook page likes
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- 50,000+ Email subscribers to our email list
Featured Business Listings appear at the very top of the list in a huge variety of sections, everything from Tack & Farm to Travel & Tourism. EIE offers a world wide view and repository of information for every aspect related to horses. Truly a vast array of information and resources that the equestrian community relies on and trusts. Join us and grow your business!
At the Diamond Level, we will also send out a press release about your business to our media list of more than 300 outlets and when you subscribe for one year, you save 20% off the already low price!
Select the Platinum or Diamond Level that best meets your organization's needs and remember that when you choose to pay annually, you save 20%! Share your business with a global audience starting today and save money at the same time!
Please contact us at if you have any problems signing up for the listing using the PayPal buttons below.
Platinum Level
Diamond Level
Subscribe at $50 per month OR Buy Now at $480 per year, 20% discount, savings of $120 |
Subscribe at $99 per month** OR Buy Now at $950 per year, 20% discount, savings of $238 ** There is a six month minimum for the Monthly Subscription. You will be charged $594 for the first six months, then monthly billing at $99 per month will begin seven months after your initial payment. |
Example of Featured Listings
Here's a picture of the Supplements page with the Featured Listings at the top of the list. You can browse all the sections on the website to see featured listings in every category.