Tuesday, May 21, 2024
06:00pm - 07:00pm
Cornell’s Equine Seminar Series presents “A Veterinary Technician’s Point of View: Caring for your horse at Cornell’s Equine Hospital”
WHAT: Jlynn Meyer, LVT and Mikaela Frost, LVT at the Cornell University Hospital for Animals (CUHA) will discuss the credentials behind the title LVT and walk through the LVTs involvement during a horse’s visit to the hospital. They will use case studies to describe interactions and responsibilities amongst emergencies and scheduled appointments.
WHEN: Tuesday, May 21, 2024, 6:00-7:00 p.m. ET
WHERE: Via Zoom; registration required: https://cornell.zoom.us/webinar/register/2617157189665/WN_PMvlo_7xTBmhsVItP4QATw#/registration
MEDIA: The event is free and open to the public. Media members are asked to RSVP to Len Johnson, Len.Johnson@Cornell.edu
ITHACA, N.Y. – Join the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine for “A Veterinary Technician’s Point of View: Caring for your horse at Cornell’s Equine Hospital.” Jlynn Meyer, LVT and Mikaela Frost, LVT at the Cornell University Hospital for Animals (CUHA) will discuss the credentials behind the title LVT and walk through the LVTs involvement during a horse’s visit to the hospital. They will use case studies to describe interactions and responsibilities amongst emergencies and scheduled appointments.
The Cornell Equine Seminar Series is presented by the Cornell Equine Hospital and Cornell Cooperative Extension. Held monthly, equine experts present on important equine health and management topics. The event is free and open to the public. Media members are asked to register with Len Johnson at Len.Johnson@Cornell.edu.
For additional information about the college, see the College of Veterinary Medicine news website.
Cornell University has dedicated television and audio studios available for media interviews supporting full HD, ISDN and web-based platforms. For additional information about the college, see the College of Veterinary Medicine news website.