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Race in honor of America’s greatest war horse

8 years 10 months ago #286 by

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9 years 1 month ago #163 by
New Sgt. Reckless Race Comes to Pimlico for Preakness Week

Race in honor of America’s greatest war horse to be run for Black Eyed Susan Day

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Preakness weekend is almost here, and Marine war horse hero Sgt. Reckless is bursting onto the Triple Crown scene with a sponsored race for Black Eyed Susan Day, Friday, May 15th.

The race is the sixth race of the day at Pimlico Race Course -- The Sgt Reckless Memorial Dash. Robin Hutton, President of The Sgt Reckless Memorial Fund and author of the New York Times bestseller Sgt. Reckless: America’s War Horse, will be in the Winner’s Circle presenting the trophies to the winners. Hutton will also hold a book signing from 12-4 pm.

Sgt. Reckless, a small Mongolian mare, earned two Purple Hearts for her heroics in the Korean War and is the only animal to ever be officially promoted in the U.S. military. Sgt. Reckless is the first-ever full biography of the mare, revealing the complete story of how a young Korean boy’s horse became one of the greatest Marine wartime heroes of all time.

From an excerpt published in the New York Post:

“They would tie a wounded Marine across her packsaddle and she would carry them out of there with all of this artillery and mortars coming in,” said Marine demolitionist Sgt. Harold Wadley. “The guys down at the bottom would unload the wounded off of her and tie gun ammo on her and she would turn around right on her own and head right back up to the guns. She was always moving and unforgettable on that skyline in the flare light.”

The book signing takes place on the first floor of the Grandstand from 12 noon to 4 p.m. Pimlico Race Course is located at 5201 Park Heights Ave, Baltimore, MD.

To schedule an interview with Robin Hutton, please contact Erin Gardner at or 202-677-4440.

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