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Western Dressage

9 years 4 months ago #39 by EquineBusiness
North American Western Dressage Introduces –

STARS Program Recognizes Successful Horsemanship

January 30, 2015 (Minnesota) – North American Western Dressage (NAWD) has released its Strategies To Achieve Riding Success (STARS) achievement program. The innovative ‘NAWD STARS’ program recognizes and rewards the achievements of youth, amateurs and professionals and horses within Western Dressage and Cowboy Dressage™. NAWD is dedicated to promoting quality horsemanship and access across all organizations; therefore, the ‘NAWD STARS’ recognition program is FREE and open to everyone regardless of affiliation. ‘NAWD STARS’ serves as a resource for those looking for excellence in performance in the equine industry and dressage discipline.

“With the NAWD STARS program, people can identify trainers, coaches, and fellow riders who are successful. There are so many professionals hanging out their shingles as Western Dressage trainers, seeking to bring new clients to their barns. I am especially excited about this program because it is a way for professional trainers and coaches to be recognized for their commitment to excellence and the NAWD STARS program serves as a resource so that we can help riders with their decision making process in selecting a trainer or coach. The addition of Horse Stars and TEAM Trax Stars enable people to work together towards common goals in helping their horses and fellow riders succeed,” says Jen Johnson president of NAWD.

‘NAWD STARS’ may be achieved in six categories (Trainers, Coaches, Amateurs/Youth, Horses, Ambassadors, and TRAX Team Stars). The ‘NAWD STARS’ program already has recognized seven Trainers, four Coaches, 17 Amateurs/Youth, 32 Horses, six Ambassadors, and two Trax TeamS. The names of ‘NAWD STARS’ are published on the North American Western Dressage website and remain there indefinitely.

To start your ‘NAWD STARS’ constellation of success, simply submit your information for a ‘NAWD STAR’ for any of the categories by sending your name, horse’s name and proof of live show or virtual show scorecards to

More about the NAWD STARS program can be found HERE.

About North American Western Dressage - North American Western Dressage is a non-profit organization that offers casual, fun, and affordable ways to learn about Western Dressage in the form of clinics and virtual shows. We start from the ground up with our "Six Feet on the Ground" Groundwork program, continue with Western Dressage Tests, Western Dressage Freestyles, and Western Dressage Trail tests. Our judges are carefully chosen for their understanding that Western Dressage is not dressage in a western saddle and that the fundamentals of good riding are universal. We embrace and include equine enthusiasts from ALL walks of life.

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