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November 25, 2020 – All of us at Equine Info Exchange wishes everyone a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving! It’s been a difficult year, but it also brought a new understanding of the importance of living a life centered on the things we all find most important and full of meaning. For us and probably for you, that involves horses!

There are so many ways one can experience an equestrian lifestyle; through riding and competitions, through breeding or fostering the rehoming of an OTTB thoroughbred, through introducing a new generation to the joys of riding or by simply spending time with your favorite horse. Horses offer so much more than many people may realize. So, here’s to you and yours as we celebrate Thanksgiving!

Unbridle Your Inner Cowgirl! THREE MARES offers a unique horse lover vibe, custom horse tack, equestrian-themed apparel, and accessories to reflect the love of Equus. You can find something for all horse enthusiasts this Holiday Season!

The studio is located in Fort Worth, TX, and was started by a life-long horse-lover with a strong desire to create the best equine tack and apparel. The goal is to design distinct, user-friendly horse tack. Their hand-stitched, easy adjusting, eye-popping designs will please all levels of horseback riders. With thousands of hours in the saddle, THREE MARES accessories and apparel reflect a love of Equus both in and out of the saddle.

In addition to horse tack, check out the THREE MARES Design shop for the latest in chic Equestrian wear including Jewelry and accessories from necklaces, bracelets, and belts to decorative pillows and mugs! Have a special request? Feel free to drop them a line! You can find them in our section on Gifts & Jewelry.


We know the challenges faced by everyone in this difficult year. However, we also know the need to drive business forward and we’re here to help. We feel your pain and are offering a Holiday Special Rate of $199 to feature your business on

Here’s a link to all the details about this offer. We can customize a featured package just for you. You can sign up right now! Buy Now!

The good news is that due to the pandemic we've seen increased traffic on our website. There are more eyes online as people spend more time at home. EIE has a Social Media exposure of 14,700,000+ per month and 300,000+ Page Views per month. So, let's help each other. We can provide a service where we'll share you on social media and help you through this difficult process.

People are online using our platform as a place to see events, learn about new businesses and explore the horse world. Let our advantage be an advantage for you.

    Here's what you get in your Featured Listing:
  1. Company Name and Address
  2. Direct Link to your website
  3. Enhanced Business Listing will remain in current page section
  4. Company Logo/photo
  5. Company Phone included on your listing
  6. Two Social Media direct links
  7. Company Email direct link
  8. We Tweet about you 2X per month
  9. Business Description up to 150 characters
  10. Announce your business in our Press Release

Contact for a free consultation and a customized special package for your business.

The EIE Calendar of Events is wide and broad in its coverage and we strive to inform readers of every equine event around the world. Currently, many events have moved to a virtual platform as a response to social distancing. We look forward to resuming a normal schedule and our calendar is a great way to keep up with the latest events.

Our 2019 Calendar included over 1,000 events which brought together horse-lovers in every discipline and interest. The entire world of equine sports, festivals, conferences and courses are included in our extensive global Calendar. The Calendar of Events features Monthly, Weekly, and Yearly views, each accessed easily with a single click.

Looking to the future, if you'd like to list on the Calendar of Events, please contact us at EIE. Let's work together to spread the word about your horse-centric activities on the world's most comprehensive equine website.

Do you have too much horse tack, or need to list an equestrian property? Visit our Classifieds to sell it! Rates begin at $5 per month. Our listings include everything from home decorations, artwork, apparel, and more!

Every Friday of the year is Free Gift Friday, an extremely popular contest where we give away a gift of the winner’s choice. This heavily-trafficked page provides businesses the opportunity to showcase their products and get them into the hands of interested customers. For more information about Free Gift Friday, the Calendar of Events or any other questions, please contact We look forward to hearing from you.

Our Mission — Serving the professional horse person, amateur owners, occasional enthusiasts and sporting interests alike, the goal is to serve all disciplines – which often act independently yet have common needs and values.

Equine Info Exchange is totally comprehensive, supplying visitors with a world wide view and repository of information for every aspect related to horses. EIE provides the ability to search breeds, riding disciplines, horse sports, health, vacations, art, lifestyles…and so much more.

EIE strives to achieve as a source for content and education, as well as a transparent venue to share thoughts, ideas, and solutions. This responsibility also includes horse welfare, rescue and retirement, addressing the needs and concerns of all horse lovers around the world. We are proud to be a woman-owned business.