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Hoof it to the Front!

Save $480 when you sign up for our July 10-14, 2024 Leadership & Horses™ 5 day course before May 15th! Please note some payment options may not be available after the early registration deadline has passed.

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equine guided coaching and transformation

Exciting News!

Freedom Cowgirl and SkyHorse Academy have merged! Ariana's signature programs in Equine Guided Education and Coaching have moved to this site. Freedom Cowgirl courses have become part of the Academy's offerings. 

Freedom Cowgirl represents the freedom to be who you are meant to be, wild and free.

Skyhorse Equine Guided Education, founded by Ariana Strozzi Mazzucchi, respectfully incorporates the magic healing powers of horses into human growth and learning. What makes Skyhorse EGE™ unique is our somatics and spirit™ approach with horses in a natural setting interwoven with a reverence for authenticity, compassion and curiosity.

"The next leadership frontier is of a spiritual nature. Now is the time to respect all creatures and Mother Earth. Our success is no longer defined by our accumulation of material goods, but by being in service to our Great Mother Earth.”

— —Ariana Strozzi Mazzucchi

SkyHorse Equine Guided Education & Coaching

 "If you feel 'called by the horse', your heart knows the ultimate goal is to find new pathways for living a sustainable lifestyle that respects all creatures of the earth."  -Ariana Strozzi Mazzucchi, Founder SkyHorse Academy 

Equine Guided Education (EGE) is a unique approach to healing and education where the horse is a 'respected' guide to teaching self-responsibility, healthy relationships, free thinking, and collective unity.

EGE offers a wide variety of healing and learning, including coaching, horsemanship, leadership, team building, therapy, shamanism, animal communication, and somatics. The gold standard in the Horse as Healer/Teacher' field since 1989!

Courses & Retreats

Self Development

Professional Development

Private Groups


Our online and in person signature programs in Leadership & Horses™ and Horses Healing Humans is for people from all walks of life who who want to make a difference and are ready for new paradigms for well being for self, others and the planet.

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EGE Certification Program





Embark on a transformative journey with SkyHorse Academy, tailored for those venturing into the profound realms of 'horse as healer/teacher' and professionals seeking to elevate their practices through enriching equine interactive methodologies.

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Intuitive Horsemanship™



Horse lovers


Are you ready to develop a newfound appreciation of horses as sentient beings who bring out authentic communication and embodied presence? Any of our courses, retreats, and certification program will support your shift to a horse-informed consciousness.

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Are you ready for an out of ordinary experience?

Do you want to be a catalyst for change and help create a healthier, more sustainable world?


In today's world, the need for environmental consciousness and sustainable practices has never been more critical. However, many people struggle with not knowing where to start or how to effectively create change. Our comprehensive programs and coach support will equip you with the knowledge, strategies, and practical skills needed to become an effective agent of change for a healthy planet.

Somatics and Spirit™ (online course)

Spring 2024-Starts April 30

This one of a kind program includes the energetics of creating change, intuitive empowerment, horse wisdom, and ‘time in nature’ activities to create connection, embodiment and harmony in balance with Mother Earth. Includes 6 zoom sessions, self study prompts, ongoing interactive mentoring throughout the program and a private community. We encourage anyone who is interested to sign up. Please note completion of this course is a requirement for our SkyHorse EGE™ Certification Program.

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Leadership & Horses™      (in person course)

July 10-14, 2024

Embark on a transformative journey of self-mastery, ecological consciousness, and being a beacon of change. Join Ariana in her signature course, going strong since 1989, Leadership & Horses™. Be part of the movement towards more sustainable and harmonious relations with self, others and the earth. We encourage anyone who is interested to sign up. Please note completion of this course is a requirement for our SkyHorse EGE™ Certification Program.

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SkyHorse EGE™ Certification Program

Now enrolling  2024

Elevate your coaching and facilitation skills, learn our unique Somatics & Spirit™ method to create transformative changes for people to form fulfilling relationships and create the life they aspire to live. Learn 'tried and true' Equine Guided Education™ exercises, rooted in over three decades of success. Receive personalized coaching for ongoing refinement of your facilitation skills. Upon completing this comprehensive course, you'll be fully prepared to launch your own impactful EGE™ programs. Let's embark on this journey of growth and empowerment together!

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Plus updates on upcoming courses, recent podcasts, and inspirations from the field.

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